Thank you for your interest in participating as a vendor in Lynchburg Parks and Recreation’s Food Truck Thursdays at Miller Park. Food Truck Thursdays will occur weekly from 11:00am–2:00pm from April 4–Aug 29. Continue reading below to learn more about this event and the criteria for applying.
Event Fee
Fee |
Dessert/Beverage vendors will be charged $30/event. All other vendors will be charged $40/event. Fees may be paid in cash or check. Checks should be written to: The City of Lynchburg. |
Fee Schedule |
Vendor fees are due to the front desk at Miller Center before departing from the event. |
Late Payment |
Late payments will not be accepted. Should you miss a payment, you will be removed from the FTT schedule moving forward until your payment is received. |
Schedule Requests |
Schedule requests for each month will be sent three weeks in advance through email. Should you have issues, please contact the event coordinator. Vendors will have five days to submit their schedule request for consideration. |
Scheduling |
To ensure that each FTT schedule is as diverse as possible, all approved food vendors will be allowed a maximum of three scheduled FTTs per month. This rule does not apply to dessert or drink vendors. A confirmation schedule email will be sent to vendors by month, two weeks in advance, based on the criteria listed below. It is recommended to reply to this email to ensure the event coordinator that you have received it. |
Schedule Wait List |
Vendors that are not scheduled for a particular FTT week may request to be added to a wait list for that week. This wait list will be used in the case of no-shows or vendor emergencies causing vacancies. This list will be formed on a first-come, first-served basis based on the timestamp from each vendor’s original schedule request. Wait list vendors may be contacted as late as 10am on any particular FTT date. The fee to attend will be reduced to $20 for wait list vendors. |
Day of Logistics
Day of Arrival |
Vendors will be expected to arrive by 10:00am and to stay through the end of the event. No vendors will be allowed early access or self- admittance to the event area. |
Line-up |
Food-serving vendors will line up on the left side of the traffic circle, away from the parking lot. Dessert-serving and drink serving vendors will line up on the right side of the traffic circle, closest to the parking lot. There will be no required line-up for this event, but all vendors trucks must arrive promptly at 10am to enter the event area. Should any vendor choose to continuously arrive late for a preferred spot in the line-up, they will be removed from the schedule. |
Inclement Weather |
Incase of inclement weather, vendors may choose whether to attend the event. No penalty will be assessed if a vendor chooses not to attend and event, as long as this is communicated by phone, email, and text before 10:00am. |
Exit |
No vendor will be permitted to leave the event early. All vendors must leave the event area thru the designated paved road. |
No-Shows and Vendor Emergencies Causing Absence
Emergencies |
Vendors may also be absent from an event due to truck/trailer or family or employee emergencies/sicknesses. No penalty will be assessed as long as this is communicated by phone, email, and text before 10am. |
Line-up |
Should a vendor fail to show up on their schedule dates without notice, Lynchburg Parks and Recreation reserved the right to remove the vendor from the schedule for the rest of the season. |
Vendor Criteria to Apply as a Vendor
Vehicle Types |
Food Trucks and Trailers are permitted to vend at FTT. Carts will not be accepted to the event at this time. |
Ready to Roll |
Food Trucks and Trailers must be ready for business at the time of the schedule request. If your truck or trailer is still in the process of being paint/built, please wait until the next month to apply. |
Regional |
Food Trucks and Trailers must be owned and operated in the Central Virginia Region. |
Power |
Vendors must be self-sufficient for their power needs. Generators must be quiet. |
The City requires a certificate of insurance (COI) to be submitted for approval to the Parks and Recreation department at 301 Grove Street before a vendor may sell on city property. All policies must list the City of Lynchburg as an additional insured for $1 million dollars. For more information, contact the event organizer or (434) 455-5858. |
Vendor Criteria used for Scheduling
Lynchburg Parks and Recreation will accept five food-serving vendors and three dessert/drink vendors per event. Vendors that have applied and been accepted will be scheduled each month based on the criteria below.
Vehicle Types |
Due to our event setup, food trucks will be given preference over trailers to allow for easy entrance and exit from the food service area. |
Location |
Preference will be given to businesses operating out of the City of Lynchburg. |
Popularity |
To ensure that our events are well attended, preference will be given to vendors with a larger following of customers. This will be measured by comparing social media followers (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). Please note that the point of utilizing social media followers in our count is to ensure that all scheduled vendors will cross-promote each event they attend and help draw a larger crowd. |
Variety |
To prevent direct competition, no vendor will be scheduled with another selling similar items. In addition, vendors with specialty menus (Vegan, BBQ-only, Pizza, Tacos, etc.) will be given preference over vendors with varying menu items. |
Reliability |
Vendors will also be scheduled based on reliability. If a vendor continually shows up late, does/did not pay their fee(s) for the current or previous FTT season, or has been a no-show in the past without communication, that will be taken into account. |
I’m ready to apply. What do I do?
Vendors must apply as a potential vendor for the 2019 FTT season before a schedule request will be sent to them. To apply, complete the application below and send in your completed COI to the event organizer if it is not already on-file. Once your application has been approved, the event organized will confirm with you.